Eric Bailey CSP and author of three books has mastered the art of always delivering
peak performances in every area of his life, and he is here to guide, inspire and
elevate you to attain peak human evolution. Eric has affected the lives of over 4.5
million people being among the greatest professional motivational speakers and still
growing and going strong. His message has been personally delivered in 13 countries.
For over 30 years, Eric has been unlocking new peaks to conquer, and the best part, he
is not stopping yet. From starting as a successful basketball player to pivoting into
one of the foremost motivational speakers in the world. Eric was one of the pioneers of
the NBL.
In 1982 he was the first import to represent theHobart Tassie Devils. He continued his
career with Andrew Gaze and the Melbourne Tigers before he retired with the Gold
Coast Rollers in 1990. After having 8 knee operations he decided to focus his life on
something less physically demanding but more rewarding and meaningful.
As of July Eric has delivered over 4500 presentations to, corporate organizations, not
for profit groups, sports teams, and government agencies.
His Motivational CSP award is a testimonial to his ability to adapt and receive high
ratings from his audiences. The small number of professional speakers who have earned
the CSP designation speaks to the difficulty of meeting the qualifying criteria. Eric is
known as Australia’s Most Versatile Motivational Speaker .
COVID19 has further evolved his abilities, as he delivers power and presence digitally,
becoming the premier virtual conference speaker in the world. There is no one better
at inspiring, motivating, with the ability to energize millions with his words than Eric.
His talks carry weight, his words have purpose because he has lived it. He can help you,
your team, and your organization get motivated to reach those lofty high performance
goals. When he is not locked in his studio cranking out videos, blogs and podcasts, new
presentation material or being a motivational speaker you will find him at the gym or
chasing after his pug poodles.